Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Question of Pay

Well they're not in it for the money- we know that for sure! White Rock councillors max out at $20K a year so there must be other motives. Time to kill, an overwhelming feeling of goodwill to all mankind? Bless them (in a religion free manner) - to spend your free time bickering with a bunch of similarly kind-hearted individuals with constant pressure from a bunch of lonely old seniors with nothing better to do than scrutinize your every move and hold you accountable for it -is not my idea of a good time.

Sure they make their fair share of gaffs- off the top of my head: pen stabbing resulting in assault charges and a restraining order, buying Sprit Bears unauthorized on the city tab and accepting an all expenses paid trip to China from a developer- but what do you expect from a bunch of citizens with a experience in small business, nursing, realtyand special education. Small town politics is a progression of volunteer and board positions until suddenly someone's mother who used to volunteer at the hospital has a part-time job at the helm of a small city with $22 million to spend every year.

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